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Bay City Baptist
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Bay City Baptist Church in Green Bay, WI, is a New Testament Church that loves God and people. Visit our website for photos, events, news, and information:

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Monday:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Tuesday:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Wednesday:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
06:30 pm - 08:00 pm
Thursday:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Friday:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Sunday:09:30 am - 12:00 pm
06:00 pm - 07:30 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

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1840 Bond St

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(920) 499-5561

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Happy Memorial Day, many of you are meeting with family members and others today who do not know the Lord. Praise God for your reading and meditating on Luke 13. Did you ever want to ask, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” One person did ask Jesus that question in Luke 13:23. Jesus responded “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door….” Jesus doesn’t answer with a yes or no, but with a statement that contradicted the Israelites expectation that just about every Israelite would inherit God’s kingdom. Similarly many of us have a faulty view that everyone will enter God’s kingdom. Let the Bible reprove you. The gate is open. The assumption is that God opened it. But the assumption is also that fewer people than you think will enter in it, it is a narrow gate. When he says “strive to enter the narrow gate” Jesus is not teaching salvation by works, but is saying something similar to many of the Proverbs which say to seek wisdom “and pursue it.” Strive to find God’s limited way into the kingdom. The passage teaches not only that the gate is narrow, but that the gate will close. In fact v25-27 emphasizes the closing of the gate, and the knocking on the door, and the wanting to enter but not being able to; much more than the narrowness of it. It sounds awful for those who don’t enter, especially since they were so close. The gate, in context, seems to be knowing Jesus, repenting and coming to Him. The opportunity to trust in Him will not be forever. As you are among your family and others today consider that God could be closing the door soon for anyone you are talking with. God give us the boldness to talk about the narrow gate of salvation through Jesus; so much narrower than good works, or church attendance, or any of these things. Not only should we strive to enter in, we should care about others enough to tell them about the gate in hope that they enter. The gate is narrow; the gate is closing PDH


You’ve heard the “drinking from a fire-hose” metaphor right? Well, when Jesus speaks it’s more like Niagara Falls. In Luke 12, there’s so much to take in and I couldn’t pick just one thing, so here are two. FIRST: Don’t you just hate hypocrisy? God does too. He wants total honesty in word and action. Consider these words of Jesus against the Pharisees: “there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known” (Luke 12:2). So…shouldn’t we all just live without hiding anything right now. God wants us to be completely honest in every word and action. And He can help us live like that, so let’s do it. SECOND: This little phrase is one of my favorites in the whole Bible—“Do not fear little flock...” (12:32). Yes, in many ways we are defenseless like sheep, and there are things that scare us, but The Good Shepherd is watching. We can take comfort in knowing that God has our back. So...let’s live without hypocrisy, and let’s entrust ourselves to the Good Shepherd! DGB


Not long ago, Pastor Brown completed a series on prayer. As I began to read Luke 11, I had two thoughts. The first was conviction (again) that I know a lot about praying but don’t pray nearly enough. The second was that my focus in prayer is rarely patterned after the example Christ provides for us here. As a church, let us dedicate ourselves to praying. The old hymn, “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” is a well-written poem that describes the beauty of the relationship we develop with God as we spend time in prayer. Search for the lyrics (it’s in our hymnal #437) and as you sing the words, make it your goal for your personal prayer time. Now, back to Luke. Notice that the focus in the prayer is not physical. This has always amazed me because physical needs comprise the majority of my prayer requests: illnesses, finances, jobs, houses, etc. I know the Lord desires to hear about all of the issues I face, but join me as I meditate on the components prescribed here by Christ, and then endeavor to pray more like the Master. DB


Luke 10. Busy, busy, busy. That was Martha. Lazy, lazy, lazy. That was Mary, or at least in Martha's eyes she was. But Jesus has different eyes than we do often times. Luke tells us that Martha was distracted with her serving, and Jesus says she was troubled and worried. On the outside, she looked like such a wonderful, godly servant. But Jesus saw the heart of both Martha and Mary. One heart was fixated on crossing things off her list. The other, fixated on adoring the One who would go to the cross for her. When Wednesday is over, will we look back on our day and say, "Jesus, look at all the things I did!" Or will we say, "Jesus, it was so great to love and enjoy you today!" -APL-


Freedom House has a new temporary location: 840 N Taylor St. They will be there until November, thus our 4th Thursday meals will be done at the new location for the next few months.


Luke sure has long chapters! Luke 9 has 10 different events from the life of Christ, all of them full of meaning and importance. Let's look at one of them in the middle. The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain with Peter, John and James gives us a little glimpse into what all the talk in heaven was about. Jesus is on earth, and the hosts of heaven, here represented by Moses and Elijah, are talking about the most important event that is about to take place--the death of Jesus. Interestingly, the word they choose to describe it in v. 31, translated "decease," is the Greek word "exodos." Moses new about "exodos" is his leading of Israel out of Egypt. That was a grand event in the history of the Jews. Elijah made his own grand "exodos" from earth in a whirlwind and chariot of fire. But the greatest "exodos" of all would be of Jesus as He would accomplish the salvation of men! It is interesting that they spoke that He would "accomplish" this (v. 31). Most people don't list death as one of their great accomplishments. But so it is with Jesus, Who through His death accomplished my salvation, the payment for my sins, the promise of eternal life, and an inheritance in Heaven! May we each of Bay City today ponder the great accomplishment of the "exodos" of Jesus on our behalf--and be grateful! PEB


Thank the Lord for good services yesterday! God’s grace and mercy are new today, happy that you are joining us. Luke 8 just a few things to point out for your mediation. Notice the “therefore” in verse 18. In other words, the parable of the sower, the lamp, and Jesus’ words about nothing hidden that will not be revealed have to do with how we respond to the words of God we have heard. “Therefore take heed how you hear” v18. They say that “the pencil is the eye of the mind” I would encourage you, in light of these verses, to take notes as we are reading through the gospel of Luke. Right things down as you notice them. Take heed how you hear. The big thing is to remember the things you read, notice you “bear fruit with patience” (v15). Patience means you have to retain it. I think writing will really help us all. Personally, I know I benefit much more when I write; even though I feel my flesh and the devil fight me when I want to pick up a pen or pencil, I have never regretted it. The other thing I want to draw out is from verse 38-39. This man was not a preacher, he was a man delivered by Jesus; like you and me. Jesus told him to “return to your own house and tell what great things God has done for you.” He couldn’t ignore the messenger and went telling “thoughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him” (v39). Tell your family what Jesus has done for you. Go to your own house; or why not the whole city! Wait for a good opportunity and share your testimony with your family and others. They can deny other things, but they cannot deny your testimony. It’ll take faith, but by His Spirit we can do it. We need to talk more positive things about Jesus. Take heed how you hear, be faithful in what you say. PDH


LUKE 7 TODAY… What a full chapter. Doesn’t the account of the “sinner woman” strike you as tender and poignant? If we get to view Bible video clips in Heaven, I’ll be watching this one…maybe over and over. This uninvited guest seeks out Jesus at a special dinner. She’s carrying costly perfume in a beautiful jar made of expensive alabaster. And she’s crying. She washes his feet with her tears…can you see it? Then she wipes his feet dry with her hair, kisses his feet, and anoints them with the fragrant oil. What would drive someone to do this? Imagine the deep emotions she was feeling. What do you think was the deepest emotion? Clearly, it was love. In fact Jesus says later in the chapter, “she loved much.” She knew she had been forgiven much and so she loved much. Here’s one thing we must learn: those who have been forgiven much by Jesus will love Jesus much. But couldn’t we then say, “I’ve never been a prostitute, an adulterer, a murderer, or a thief,” so I can’t love Jesus as much as others? Well, it’s all in how you view your sin. Do you compare yourself with others and think you’re doing pretty well? Or do you compare your sins with God’s law and see how you’ve broken EVERY ONE of them over and over? Yes, we have all been forgiven much. Let’s love Jesus much! Oh how much He deserves it. DGB


Jesus has been teaching and healing throughout Israel. There certainly must have been excitement in the land. In Luke 6 however, three seemingly unconnected issues reveal a new focus in the Lord’s ministry. First, Jesus uses the Sabbath to confront the religious bondage of the Pharisees. That system, which supposedly worshiped Jehovah, had become a self-righteous system of works. Jesus challenges them, and they, in turn, direct hostilities at Him. I don’t know the significance of the number 12, but Israel’s twelve tribes give way to the twelve disciples. These men will become the focal point both of Christ’s ministry and of establishing the church. The introduction is simple, but did you notice what Jesus did before calling them? That is something to meditate upon. Think of who Christ is, and what He did before making a decision! Finally, the principles of the Kingdom are given. Although some think that this is a summary of the Sermon of the Mount from Matthew 5, others believe that it is a different message. Over the three years of ministry, I am sure that Christ preached these ideas more than once. What stands out to you? Which is hardest for you to live? MTP


Jesus has been teaching and healing throughout Israel. There certainly must have been excitement in the land. In Luke 6 however, three seemingly unconnected issues reveal a new focus in the Lord’s ministry. First, Jesus uses the Sabbath to confront the religious bondage of the Pharisees. That system, which supposedly worshiped Jehovah, had become a self-righteous system of works. Jesus challenges them, and they, in turn, direct hostilities at Him. I don’t know the significance of the number 12, but Israel’s twelve tribes give way to the twelve disciples. These men will become the focal point both of Christ’s ministry and of establishing the church. The introduction is simple, but did you notice what Jesus did before calling them? That is something to meditate upon. Think of who Christ is, and what He did before making a decision! Finally, the principles of the Kingdom are given. Although some think that this is a summary of the Sermon of the Mount from Matthew 5, others believe that it is a different message. Over the three years of ministry, I am sure that Christ preached these ideas more than once. What stands out to you? Which is hardest for you to live? MTP


Luke 5 It's always hard to pull out one thing from the Gospels, because each chapter has so much good stuff to talk about! One thing that struck me as I was reading this chapter was the brief little verse 16: "So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed." In a chapter filled with awesome miracles and profound teachings and sayings, Jesus was intentional to get away into silence and solitude in order to pray and commune with His Father. Our culture is a busy one, a crazy busy one. As we planned out our week this week, was "get alone with God" on that list? May we at Bay City be a people who often get away from the hustle and bustle of life to get alone with the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. APL


Luke 4 It is interesting to note that after the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at His baptism (3:22), that Jesus was: "filled with the Holy Spirit" (4:1), "led by the Spirit" (4:1), and "returned in the power of the Spirit" (4:14). When He stands in the synagogue of Nazareth to speak, He quotes from the prophet Isaiah a passage which begins, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me" (4:18). As Jesus begins His earthly ministry, He illustrates for us in His humanity the indispensable necessity of the Holy Spirit for God-honoring ministry. Being filled with the Spirit, He is able to withstand the temptations of the devil by using what Paul called "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17). His words were Spirit-filled with power: "So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth" (4:22). "And they were astonished at His teaching, for His word was with authority" (4:32). "Then they were all amazed and spoke among themselves, saying, "What a word this is! For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out" (4:36). This is the same Spirit that Jesus promised to give us to empower us! Acts 1:8 (NKJV) But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." May we at Bay City be a Christ-following people who are filled, led, and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God! PEB


Luke 3 introduces Jesus’ ministry. It is all about Jesus. Here are a few points to take note of in this chapter, some are unique to Luke. Repentance. Luke has the fullest picture of John the Baptist as an OT prophet with the rhema or specific words of God. The emphasis in Luke is more on John’s preaching repentance than on his actual baptizing. When it says “a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins” it doesn’t mean that John’s baptism actually forgave sins. In Acts 19 if someone just knew John’s baptism they hadn’t received forgiveness yet. John’s Baptism was in expectation and preparation. To repent and accept John’s baptism was to link yourself to John’s message of Jesus, the One with the greater baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then someone would receive forgiveness of sins. John’s baptism was one step removed, but linked to Jesus. John fades away. Luke never actually says John baptized Jesus. Jesus simply “was baptized”- the focus is completely on Jesus. Luke is the only gospel writer who says Jesus was praying when the heavens were open and the voice came from heaven. It shows the solemnity of the situation. God revealed His choice. Like a political party who announces who their candidate is, so the Holy Spirit descending and the voice from heaven show God’s choice. This is God announcing that Jesus is His King. What He will do, the manner of His mission, are still to be seen. But this is God’s man. The geneology. This is God’s man not just for Israel but for all the world. Unlike Matthew, Luke’s genealogy traces Jesus back to “Adam, the son of God.” This shows that God has planned for Jesus’ salvation throughout all of history, for all people. Another reason the list works back to Adam is in preparation for the temptation scene in chapter 4; so we still have Adam in mind when Jesus is victorious. It’s all about Jesus. Consider the greatness of Jesus today. Consider Him before we even read of His ministry proper. Consider the One to look for, the One who is God’s choice for King, the One who all history prepared for the salvation of all men. It’s all about Jesus. PDH


THOSE FAMOUS WORDS… Luke 2 is that classic Christmas passage we love every December. Jesus is born…the angels tell the shepherds, they visit Jesus…Simeon prophesies…after time in Egypt they return to Nazareth where Jesus “became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him” (2:40). At the end of the chapter, Jesus, now 12, utters some famous words, but first, the backstory. Joseph and Mary, and many others, had visited Jerusalem for the Passover. They were on their way back to Nazareth and after travelling a WHOLE DAY they realized Jesus wasn’t among them. Imagine their panic. A whole day’s journey and Jesus is only 12! I wonder if Joseph was a little frustrated. I know how I hate to “miss an exit” on the highway and waste only 10 minutes. But a WHOLE day!? Well, after THREE DAYS they finally found him in the temple sitting with the teachers, listening and asking questions. Joseph and Mary are understandably upset and here’s where Jesus utters those famous words: “Why did you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” So many applications we could make, right? But let’s make the simplest one of all. We too must be about our Father’s business. He has something for YOU to do. Life is not an all-inclusive resort or a cruise ship where we get our desires met over and over. There’s work to do. Let’s get after it! May we at Bay City please our Father by being about His business. DGB


Christmas in May! Luke 1 is one of the most incredible chapters in all of the Bible. We read of ordinary people serving God in their everyday routine, and then their lives get flipped upside down (in a great way). There are angelic announcements and women who shouldn't be able to get pregnant getting pregnant. There are declarations of God's wonder, character, and faithfulness to His people. I stand amazed at the significance of the events recorded by Luke. Also, take note of the accuracy of the account. We get a little glimpse into the inspiration of Scripture in verses 1-4. As Luke was prompted to record the events of Jesus's life, he begins by researching and talking to eyewitnesses. His work is factual and true from a human standpoint. But, as we learn from other passages in the Bible, we know that the Holy Spirit directly breathed His life into Luke's writing (2 Timothy 3:16) and moved Luke as he penned each word (2 Peter 1:20-21). It is an incredible thought to ponder. Today, let's praise God not only for the wonder of His incarnation but also for the wonder of the revelation we hold in our hands and daily have the privilege to read! MTP


The Bible gives us many wonderful things to pray for. Colossians 4 gives us something that we should be praying for: opportunities to share the wonderful mystery of Christ. Who are you praying for today that God would open a door for you to share Christ with them? Who are you praying for today that God would open a door for that person to share Christ with someone else? The book of Colossians presents a majestic and beatific view of Jesus, and after explaining for 3 chapters how majestic Jesus is, he asks for pray that he might be able to share Him with more people. May we today be praying for opportunities to share the gospel ourselves, as well as praying for others at Bay City that they would have chances to share the gospel. APL


Colossians 3 is a wonderfully practical chapter on living out the Christian life. If we are in Christ and are complete in Him, then what should that look like in our day to day walk? First, it should change our affections. This world and all its attractions and distractions should not be our focal point. We should be setting our affections on Christ and His greater graces. Next, we must put to death the sinful affections of the flesh. Our sin nature, though defeated, has not yet been eradicated. We replace those things with godly affections; reflections of our Savior. We put off the old man and put on the new--Christ. When we do these things, it affects all our relationships--spouse, children, employer, employees. And, it will affect our heart, for we will be singing "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." PEB


The 2019 Couples Retreat at Northland Camp is one week from Friday! The deadline for signing up is this coming Sunday, May 12th. Click the link below to register. The retreat will consist of some great sessions together, small group time, etc. There will be free time for the coffee shop, a hayride, mini golf, and laser tag. It will be memorable and I hope you'll come! Pastor Dave


There was a lie that came to the church at Colossae: it was that besides Jesus, you need something else. So Paul wrote Colossians 2 and argued that: “The completeness of Jesus and our connection with Him shows other philosophies and traditions are unnecessary.” (Guzik, 2018) The NKJV has two headings: Not Philosophy but Christ; and, Not Legalism but Christ. These are good headings because, as the chapter shows, both human teaching and an improper application of OT law were cheating or “taking people captive” away from Christ, the Head, the fullness of God, the Head of all principality and power, the One whom all the treasures of wisdom lies, compared to Whom all the OT laws are but a shadow. Similarly today, there are many who persuasively say that you can have Jesus, but to really grow spiritually you need a relationship with Jesus and deep-breathing exercises, and behavioral-cognitive therapy, and new age concepts of how your words affect positive energy, etc. It is the “Jesus-and” teaching. But you are complete in Him. In His greatness, He is enough. Some other things, even if they may be helpful, are not necessary. In fact, if they pull your attention away from Him who is Everything, and who did all these wonderful things for you that it says in this chapter, then those things are incredibly harmful. Grow in Him, look to Him, whatever you do, be undistracted from Him. Say "Jesus, because I am one with You and You are God, I am depending on You alone for spiritual victory today" PDH


Here you can find pictures from Bay City Baptist:


Here you can find videos from Bay City Baptist:

Dave Bender, Three Desires Seminar

44-second clip of Dave Bender teaching at the Three Desires Seminar:

Adrianne Fletcher, Three Desires Seminar

50-second clip of Adrianne Fletcher teaching at the Three Desires Seminar:

2017 Neighborhood Picnic

The choir and deaf choir sang Mary Did You Know this morning. So beautiful!

The humorous skit at the Adult Christmas Banquet tonight. Great job!

Here's Big Yellow being serenaded as it took its final trip from our parking lot. Why this song you ask? The guys seemed to sing this song EVERY time they were on the bus. They kind of made it the theme song. So long Big Yellow.....

Pastor Dave & Julie's Recognition Service!

Here is a sneak peak of what is to come at the Children's Christmas Program on December 20 at 10:30 a.m. You won't want to miss it!

Neighborhood Picnic 2015

Plan on coming to our annual Neighborhood Picnic tomorrow! You won't want to miss it! A family-fun environment! Fun for all ages!

Dug Down Deep

Tonight our youth group begins this study: Dug Down Deep. Here's what Joni has to say about it: "More than forty years of quadriplegia has underscored to me the matchless value of knowing--really knowing--the doctrines of the Christian faith. Dug Down Deep reveals how biblical doctrine provides a pathway to understanding the heart and mind of God. If you're looking for 'that one book' that will push you farther down the road to faith than you've ever journeyed before, Dug Down Deep is it. I highly recommend it!" - Joni Eareckson Tada We need this. If you're a parent, consider having your teen there tonight! PD

Do you have any more information about this church?
Feel free to send us a message!

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839 Lombardi Ave, Green Bay
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The Moores - Shorewest Realtors
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Hair Salon, Makeup Artist
The Art of Hair - Green Bay
2733 N Packerland Dr, Green Bay
Hair Salon
Yikes! Salon
2605 S Oneida St, Ste 25, Green Bay
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Bella Salon & Spa
933 Anderson Dr, Green Bay
Hair Salon
TruColors Salon
3901 S Webster Ave, Green Bay
Hair Salon, Nail Salon
Savoye Salon Spa
2304 Lineville Rd, Suite 106, Green Bay
Hair Salon
Mia & Maxx Hair Studio
303 Bay Park Sq, Ste 975, Green Bay
Hair Salon
Hair's Fashion
864 Hansen Rd, Green Bay
Barber Shop, Hair Salon, Makeup Artist
Dr Hair Amanda Borah
2450 Velp Avenue Studio 25, Green Bay
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Split Ends Rx LLC
2321 S Oneida St Ste 4, Green Bay
Hair Salon
9TH Street Salon
914 9th St, Green Bay
Hair Salon
Sam at Studio 24
2605 s Oneida street #24, Green Bay
Barber Shop, Hair Salon